Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Ask God For What You Want

 I just want to thank God for his blessings. I thank God that I have a roof over my head, I have food to eat, I have health and strength. Do you know that God says we should ask him for what we need? He will always provide for us. Sometimes he sends people in our lives to help us. I think our Jamaican culture teaches is it is shameful to ask for what we want. It is considered better to suffer than to ask someone for help. At this point in my life, all that shame is gone. When I need something, I ask for it. I don’t have time to be proud or worry about what people have to say or who is going to judge me. At the end of the day, if that person is not paying my bills, their opinion does not count.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Everybody’s Life Has A Purpose

One day I was walking around feeling sorry for myself and questioning my existence and the meaning of life and whether my life had any purpose. I went to the park and I just happened to see a friend that I hadn’t seen for 3 years. We exchanged pleasantries and she asked me how I was feeling and I said I was ok ( even though inside I felt so miserable). I asked her how she was doing. She said she was doing fine. So I asked her where was she working, she said, Don’t you remember you told me about a job and I applied to it and I got it. I told you. I am still there! I was surprised! I didn’t even remember that I told her about a job opportunity and she had gotten it. Instantly with that comment she brightened my day and I felt happy for the rest of the day long after we had said our goodbyes and exchanged numbers. My life had purpose after all. At least I had helped even one person.