Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Race To Control The World

So America and China is in a race to control 5G. Why not weaken the competitor by causing a killer virus to escape from a city which already has killer virus  research facilities and then  blame them for the problem. And let’s quarantine all the people by telling them to stay inside were we can count them and track their daily movements. And by the way the killer virus will get them if they come outside anyway. Then we can get our friend Bill Gates who owns the patent to the vaccine ( which has a microchip) for the virus outbreak that he DID NOT know was going to happen. But he owns the patent. Even though he DID NOT know there was going to be an outbreak. And now he needs to control the population so that he can count the amount of money he is going to make from the 7.5 Billion people who will be forced by their government to get the vaccine... that has a microchip, which will allow everyone with that vaccine/microchip to be tracked easily using the 5G technology . It’s just those backward Africans who did not get the CoVid-19. They are messing up the plan. And those Native American Indians. Let’s tell the news to send out a report that  they will be wiped out if they don’t accept Bill Gates vaccine/microchip ...for which he owns the patent...even though himself and Melinda DID NOT know there would be a worldwide outbreak...

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